Books ::. untuk Indonesia

BUKU ADALAH PELITA HATI, kata pepatah lama. "Buku menjadikan Orang Kaya Raya"
kata: Robert T. Kiyosaki

Pengalaman pengarang Buku berkwalitas(bermutu) rata-rata berusia antara 40 tahun s.d 50 tahun. Bila seorang Penulis/pengarang Buku berusia 45 Tahun, pada saat menulis, pengalamannya yang sudah sekian belas tahun itu ikut mewarnai tulisannya. Mari kita telaah lebih jauh, kita asumsikan rata-rata 15 tahun pengalaman ilmu dari Pengarang/Penulis ini. Berarti bahwa satu buku (1satu buku) senilai dengan 15 tahun pengalaman si penulis/pengarang bermutu tersebut. Ketika Anda membaca 1 satu buku per bulan, lalu satu tahun tidak terasa sudah membaca 12 BOOKS, (yang berkwalitas). Lantas kalau sudah 5 TAHUN, sudah membaca 60 books(buku bermutu) sama dengan: Ketika Anda membaca 60 buku=Pembelajaran Anda setara dengan nilai 900 tahun PENGALAMAN Orang Sukses/Penulis Bermutu/Pengarang Buku(dimana kita ingin sukses: Pilih Buku sesuai Pilihan Propesi/Bisnis Anda)

Robert T. Kiyosaki dalam bukunya yang berjudul "Rich Dad Poor Dad" terungkap beberapa Pengusaha Dunia Terkaya dizamannya. Pengusaha-pengusaha itu, jatuh bangkrut akibat resesi ekonomi yang dasyat pada waktu itu. Resesi Ekonomi itu mengantam mereka, tapi setiap resesi ekonomi selalu ada ORANG KAYA BARU yang bertahan bahkan ada JUTAWAN BARU muncul. Kenapa mereka ada yang bisa bertahan?

Semua ORANG bisa menciptakan kekayaan, orang kebanyakan bahkan orang yang biasa-biasa saja pun bisa menjadi Kaya Raya. Karena mereka sudah Siap! Siap dengan pikiran terbuka, selalu terus Belajar, siap bertindak memimpin Tren dan siap memiliki sumber pendapatan beragam. Mereka memilik yang dinamakan MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOM. Ya, siap memiliki MSI, inilah kenapa mereka bisa Survive, tumbuh semakin KAYA dan peduli kepada Sosial. Dan terus Tumbuh melalui PERUBAHAN ZAMAN. Kita mudah-mudahan bisa seperti mereka. Amin.

Get Your Hands On A Good Book

For more than twenty years people watching the internet grow have declared that soon we will be a paperless society. In the last ten years as E-book and portable appliances have become popular the doomsayers have said publishing and printed books are at the end of their time. Tell that to Harry Potter. The boy wizard and his 12 million book first-run publishing records prove what book lovers have always known. Books are here to stay. There is no experience like sitting down with a hard cover book in your hands. Does that mean the internet has to stay out of our reading? Absolutely not. Online shopping has made a reader's life better by far.

Go To The Master

When you think of bookstores the national chain that instantly comes to mind is Barnes and Nobles, the mammoth bookseller with walls lined in books and a cafe in every bookstore. People, who live in rural areas, are shut-in for some reason and cannot leave the house or folks that just like to shop online will benefit from their website . First run books are there and able to pre-ordered. Delivery charges are minimum and there are reviews, book clubs and interviews through their "meet the writers" series. You also can buy a host of Barnes and Nobles exclusives. The only minus to their site is that Barnes and Nobles members save 10% with their card in the store and only 5% online.

New Book At A Used Price

For people who love to read or have limited book budgets, used books has always been the way to keep a book in the hand and money in the bank. The best place online for used books is . Look up any book, even ones that are rare, out of print or self published, and you'll find them on Amazon. Just clicked the "used" tab under any book selection and you'll see a comparative list of people selling the book and its general condition. Frequently you can get a new book for the cheap price of a used. The bonus to Amazon's used booksellers is that the money is processed through Amazon so you purchase the same way you would a new item and the product is guaranteed by Amazon making your transaction safe.

An Eye For Art

Art books, those expensive coffee table editions of everything from pictures of mosaic vases to surreal photos of painted doors, are hard to find. They are also a pain to buy online and have shipped because of their size and weight. The best sight for rare and oversized books is . Strand is a retailer of art books who also carries some rare finds. You can purchase issues of the Talmud painstakingly translated or a book on the art work of H. G. Giger. Their inexpensive shipping and wild selection make Strand books the place to go for an adventure online.

Reading isn't simply an intellectual pursuit it is a physical one. The less work you do to acquire the book, the more energy you'll have to enjoy it.

By:James Brown